
Kristen Crawford

Portrait of Kristen

Kristen is 27 years old from Pendleton, Oregon which is a small town in Eastern Oregon. She has spent most of her life (18 years) in a small town for which she says, "played a large part of who I am today." She currently lives in Portland now and enjoys the city life even as it differs very much from where she grew up. Kristen was a talented softball pitcher growing up, often leading many of her youth teams to championships in tournaments and in league play. At the high school level and even in college she continued this successful run. She was also involved in Dance and other activities throughout her youth -- she explains, "I never wanted to settle for something early on, I knew I was a natural at certain things, but I wanted to try everything and keep my mind open to new experiences."

  1. Childhood
  2. High School & Sports
  3. College & Softball
  4. Career
  5. Motherhood & Present
  6. Miscellaneous


As a child, Kristen always loved going to new places and seeing different parts of the world. She didn't have the opportunity to do it as much as she would have liked in her youth, but she was always grateful when it happened. That passion carried into Kristen's adulthood and she often refers to herself as a wanderer because of this trait she had at such a young age.

When Kristen's parents describe her as a child they say that she was "very fun and playful, but she was stubborn and intense at times. And she loved to test our patience -- always had something to say back. She also loved all kinds of food and she would always dance when she was eating something she liked." If you pay attention, you'll notice she still does this today!

High School & Sports

Kristen holding the Oregon High School 5A State Championship throphy
Kristen holding the Oregon High School 5A State Championship trophy.

Kristen was a student at Pendleton High School, where extracurricular activities became a large part of Kristen’s life. She was involved in many things from sports and dance to social gatherings, working part-time as a server and of course, being a student. She was a server in a high-end restaurant called Cimmyotti's at the age of 16 years old. When she talks about this experience, she describes that it had a large influence in helping her gain confidence with her people skills - something she relies on daily for her current career. Softball became a focal point at this stage in her life and she was successful with it as well. She was a talented pitcher who led her teams to state championships in her junior and senior years. In 2012, she was named Oregon Player of the Year as a senior at Pendleton High School.

College & Softball

After high school, Kristen attended community college at Mount Hood CC in Gresham, Oregon. Softball became even more important to her at this point in her life because it was now her main activity outside of school. In 2014, Kristen's Sophomore year, she once again led her team to a league title in the NWAC and was named Player of the Year. She finished the majority of her general studies at Mount Hood CC and transferred to Portland State University on a full ride athletic scholarship. Kristen's 2014 MHCC softball statistics.

At this point in her sporting career, Softball started to take a backseat due to the rocky relationship the coach had formed with the team, she said "took some of the fun out of the sport for everyone." The fact that she was going to be graduating soon also played a role as Kristen began to focus on her future more so than she had before. Although, she still found some success, her highest point at PSU came when she won Player of the Month in February 2016 playing in this highly competitive league. Ultimately, Kristen's PSU tenure was highlighted by the "best teammates and friends I ever had on the field." Kristen graduated from Portland State in 2016 with a Bachelor's Degree in communications.

Kristen throwing pitch for MHCC
Kristen throwing a pitch for Mount Hood Community College.

Kristen and her teammates from PSU
Kristen and her "career-best" teammates & friends from PSU in front of Marquam Bridge in Portland, OR.


Kristen got her first job post-college as a manager at LA Fitness in Portland where she would eventually meet her future Husband, Mark Watson. LA Fitness helped to further her skillset in communications by teaching her important sales techniques and getting her out of her comfort zone. With the culmination of her strong traits formed in her childhood, prior work experiences, education, being a leader on a team -- she was able to move into a career that she's very passionate about now.

In late 2017, Kristen started a job at Orangetheory Fitness as a sales associate. In just 2 short years, Kristen has climbed the ladder in her company. She became the assistant manager of an Orangetheory studio gym in early 2018. In late 2018, she became the manager of that same studio. A year later, in Fall 2019, Kristen became the regional manager of 6 Orangetheory studios! She currently holds this position there in the present day.

Kristen inside of an Orangetheory Fitness studio
Kristen inside of an Orangetheory Fitness studio.

Motherhood & Present Day

Kristen and her daughter, Willow
Kristen and her daughter, Willow.

On June 16, 2018 – Kristen became a mother to a beautiful child, Willow Watson. She now balances her personal life, hectic work schedule and partnership -- all while being a caring, responsible mother, which she describes as “the biggest challenge of all.” She plans to stay in Portland, Oregon long-term but hopes to travel and give Willow the opportunity to see new parts of the world like she loved to do as a kid.


  • Kristen loves to adventure. She will often spend free time outdoors - camping, water activities, hiking or travelling.
  • Kristen's favorite colors are pink and purple.
  • Kristen's personality is courageous, confident and adaptable. She likes to have fun as much as possible but knows how to be serious when she needs it.
  • Other achievements include: Netflix bingeing, high-level diaper changing and holds the record for most popsicles consumed in one Summer.